This was my first New Character for SMITE -- Bacchus, The Roman God Of Wine, Lewd Behavior and Maddness. Since he was a new god and not a Skin, I was able to fully Rigg this guy from scratch with all the bones and weighting 100% done by me, it was nice to finally get to Rigg something. With the complete Rigg, this was done roughly in about 7-8 working days as it took some time understanding how Biped works inside of Max and how to create Helpers for all the Secondary Custom Bones.
All Property Owned By Hi-Rez Studios.
For the characters being brought into the Unreal Engine 3, which SMITE uses, the bone count limit that a character can have with Weights Affecting it is 75. With Bacchus he still had some bones left over, so I was able to add some controls to his face besides just the general eyeBlink and Jaw to give him more emotions that the Animators could control to portray his drunkenness and lewd behavior.
All Property Owned By Hi-Rez Studios.
Another thing which I did for this character was to create a Physics Asset Set using the Unreal Editor's PhAT. Essentially what is being done here is taking a character which is rigged and weight painted and making bounding boxes for the major bones for the collision for when the character becomes a Ragdoll inside the game. Also you have to go through all those bounding boxes for the bones and set constraints so you can define what the degree of motions each bone can have to further help the Ragdoll aspect work correctly. It was my first one I did, took me a few hours to figure it out but wasn't too bad to learn and man was it exceptionally fun!
If anyone wants more on what PhAT is and how it works, you can check out the following link for more details:
All Property Owned By Hi-Rez Studios.
For those who may not know, SMITE the game, which is a MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (Stuff like League of Legends etc.) is being worked on at Hi-Rez Studios. SMITE depicts a Battle Arena between Gods of different pantheons such as Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu etc. It's currently in closed beta atm but can be signed up for at to get into the Beta.
As always, critiques and comments welcomed.
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